Not a few women who claim to have frequent headaches at the end of the menstrual period. Are you one of the people who often experience it? Come on, find out the cause, as well as how to prevent it from coming back. If you often have headaches near the end of menstruation, you are not alone. About 60% of women, apparently experiencing headaches that often appear when menstruation will end or vice versa, at the beginning of menstruation. What is the cause? Causes of Headaches at the End of Menstruation Headaches generally occur when pressure changes occur around the nerves. Pain signals are then sent to the brain, causing a throbbing headache. Headaches that occur before menstruation can generally be caused by two things: Hormonal imbalance Changing levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone during menstruation can trigger headaches that are felt towards the end of the menstrual period. In some women, this can cause headaches. This condition can be characterized by nausea...